Crouch Design

In days long-past, many kitchens would be tucked away out of sight and out of mind. But today, they function as far more than simply the area of the home where breakfast, lunch and dinner are prepared. Instead, they’re often seen as the living, breathing heart of the home, prime for dining, catching up with our loved ones, and even entertaining. And with that change in purpose, kitchens have also proliferated in terms of design, with all sorts of unique and interesting interpretations capturing the interest of the public.

All this means that there are a lot of strong opinions about what should, and what shouldn’t be included in kitchens, which you’ll find in droves online and in taste-making magazines. At Crouch Design we don’t enter this argument, because we believe the answer is simple: your kitchen should contain exactly what you want it to contain.

This commitment to uncompromising, tailor-made installations has won us fans all over Surrey, our home county, and neighbouring regions like Kent; from Ascot, Cobham, Esher and Oxshott, to Sevenoaks, Sunningdale, Tunbridge Wells and Weybridge, our portfolio of completed projects is ever expanding, and with it, our reputation amongst luxury kitchen showrooms always growing. These fans, alongside homeowners themselves, take in architects, interior designers and contractors with an eye for meticulous craftsmanship.


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Fixtures & Bespoke Furniture, Tailored to Your Tastes

The same approach informs our work designing and building bespoke furniture, and carefully crafting fixtures and fittings such as media units. For so many of us, our home is more than just a base or staging area for life’s routine – it’s a physical extension of our personalities and what we’ve come to value. Therefore, simply picking out generic items from a homeware chain may feel like a minor betrayal. After all, we’ve gone to such great lengths to find the right place to put down roots, why fill it with the first things we see – things designed to appeal to as broad a base as possible, which you’ll find in countless properties around Surrey and Kent?

Just as by moving beyond high street kitchen showrooms, and instead opting for bespoke kitchens chock-full of character, style and practicality, tasking our talented team with designing you bespoke furniture or media units can prove remarkably rewarding. Each and every day, you’ll witness your vision live up to its promise of aesthetic cohesion and practicality. Every day, you’ll be able to enjoy a one-of-a-kind piece which you won’t find in any other property around Ascot, Cobham, Esher or Oxshott, nor Sevenoaks, Sunningdale, Tunbridge Wells or Weybridge.

Contact Crouch Design on 01372 417 917 to learn more about the bespoke kitchens, bespoke furniture and media units we design and build for clients in all Surrey and Kent locales, including Cobham, Esher and Sevenoaks.